The ADX™ Technology
The ADX™ Technology is a novel microfluidic platform. It is a single-use, fully integrated, molecular assay for the quantification of biomolecules in a simple to use, disposable format without the needing complex and expansive readers. The Accel Diagnostics ADX POC assays are reader-free mobile-enable blood diagnostic tests. In simple term, this means that the entire test fits in a disposable, credit card sized, self-contained chip without compromising test accuracy.The results are comparable for sensitivity to standard laboratory-based devices. It only requires a few micro-liters of sample (equivalent to 1 - 3 drops). It works with many liquids including whole blood, plasma, serum, and mediums. Results compare for sensitivity to laboratory devices.
The ADX™ Technology transforms the patient blood testing paradigm, from lab-centered to near-patient, bringing significant advantages in terms of simplicity, testing time, care delivery, and cost over current standard lab-based diagnostics.Critical tests to aid and guide the doctor's decision-making can now be completed anywhere-anytime, at the patient’s side.
A lot can happen while waiting hours or days for your critical test results to come back from the lab. With the ADX Test Card™ you can perform your blood tests anytime, anywhere. Save Time, Money, and Resources.
The ADX™ Card only requires a tiny amount of sample. In fact, two drops of blood are more than enough. The disposable test card is completed in only 10-15 minutes.
Simply scan your ADX Test Card™ and the ADX™ Card Mobile App will take care of the rest. All of your test results will be safely stored in one place and shared with your physicians to assess your condition remotely.
Simply apply a small drop of body fluid (e.g., finger prick blood) onto the ADX Test Card, then wait 10-15 minutes. Your test results will be clearly displayed and easily visible. You may also use the ADX App to record and share the test result.
No electricity or battery power needed
Single-use, fully disposable, and as compact as a credit card
Pre-calibrated and ready to use.
Accurate and sensitive readings, matching lab performances
Multi-plex assay capability
Room temperature storage
No sample preparation
Results are ready in less than 10 minutes
How it Works
The ADX Test Cards are made of a single-use microfluidic chip where millions of micron-size magnetic beads recognize and specifically bind to (and only to) the targeted biomolecules. When liquid sample enters the card, these biomolecules induce the formation of bead aggregates. Under the capillary driven flow, the aggregates grow in size, amplifying the signal. A tiny magnet captures the magnetic aggregates, which in turn alters the flow of the liquid sample inside of the microfluidic chip. The change in flow is proportional to the concentration and size of aggregates, which is proportional to the concentration of the targeted biomolecules. The test result is read directly on the test card’s scale - as easy as reading a thermometer - or by scanning the test card with a smartphone. The test results will be stored on an encrypted cloud server, and users will be able to share the results with a simple click.
The ADX technology was first developed at the Biomedical Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University and was subsequently licensed to Accel Diagnostics. Since then, Accel Diagnostics has invested many years and millions of dollars in R&D activities to further develop, refine, and perfect this technology.
Leveraging the ADX™ Technology, we have developed a set of rapid assays (DNA-q Card, RapidQ Ms-IgG Assay) to support laboratory research. These tests enable researchers to quickly and efficiently quantify the concentration of biomolecules in their samples prior to moving to downstream processes.
Leveraging the ADX™ Technology, we have developed a range of rapid Point-of-Care (POC) blood tests. These tests make it easy and low cost to diagnose medical conditions and monitor patients’ illnesses. A companion app enables physicians to remotely monitor and review patients’ test result with a few clicks. The patient is never left alone and the physician is never in the dark.
Our Mission
We are a CLIA high complexity laboratory and a developer and manufacturer of blood diagnostic tests. We specialize in molecular testing and Point of Care immunoassay.
At Accel Diagnostics our mission is to transform the way a wide variety of medical conditions are monitored and diagnosed on-site, in a patient’s home, doctor's office, and at a patient’s bedside. After year of research and a multimillion dollar investment we have created the ADX Cards™. The ADX Cards are the first single-use, battery-free blood analyzers capable of detecting and quantifying several biomarkers in minutes from just a few drops of blood/sample. The ADX cards are mobile-enabled to insure rapid sharing of test results between patients and care-provider. With the ADX Cards, severe and chronic illnesses can be now identified and monitored quickly and efficiently at the patient’s side with clinical-lab precision while keeping the cost of care low. The technology provides great opportunities for early treatment and preventative actions – saving lives and resources.